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My journey has led me from over a decade as a very successful international model, earning six figures and traveling the world for photo shoots in many locations, from Paris, to Milan, London, Barcelona, Athens, Sydney, Munich, The Seychelles, Tahiti and many others…

To having a near death experience through being electrocuted, at a time when I was in a downward spiral with a lot of self-destructive and self- sabotaging behaviors in my life.

As intense and challenging as the near-death experience was, it changed my entire life, and brought with it a clear message from my Higher Self : I came to this earth with a sacred purpose and a role to serve and it was time to take my dharma (sacred work) seriously.

Since childhood, I had been receiving visitations from various Spirit Beings. They distracted my ability to sleep at night, so my mother took me to a doctor who gave me a pill which shut off my visionary faculties and my ability to see them.

But when I was out alone in the forest, I could still feel their presence. As a young girl I never quite felt that I belonged to this world. I seemed to experience things differently than everyone around me and I spoke coded languages which others didn’t understand. At school I would often drift into a visionary state, seeing visions of other worlds and dimensions.

By my teens I became very wild and curious about experimenting with everything to see if I could find deeper meaning and fulfillment, as I knew deep down that there was so much more to life than what I had experienced so far.

At 18 I left home for Paris and was discovered as a model. My career took off very quickly and I was swept away into a lifestyle that was glamorous and exciting but also interwoven with plenty of shadow and superficiality.

On the fateful day when I was electrocuted in Milan, my entire life changed dramatically. As a result, I became very focused on my path of personal development and discovering how I could step into greater alignment with my soul path and full potential and support others in doing the same.

Eventually I saved enough money from my work as a model to take a year of traveling and spiritual seeking to destinations including Bali, Hongkong and Australia.

In 1987 during the Harmonic Convergence (the world’s first synchronized global peace meditation) I experienced a huge opening inside myself and that led me to join a 5 year Esoteric school, which synchronistically began 1 month later! The school was called The Institute Of Initiatory Therapies (‘RIT’ in French), and there I studied and practiced many different wisdom teachings, from the Theosophy and Rosicrucian traditions.

At the RIT we studied a wide variety of healing practices from around the world, including chi-gong, cranio sacral bodywork and acupuncture.

Since that time I have continued traveling the world to many sacred sites and power spots, ongoingly committed to my personal growth and development and being a change-agent during the planetary paradigm shift that is happening at this time.

These journeys have all included intentional grid work at places such as the pyramids of Egypt, the Avalon sacred sites at Glastonbury, the path of Yeshua in the Himalayas, the pyramids of Bosnia, the Mary Magdalene sites of France, the Energy Portals of Estonia, a mission trip to Israel to rebalance the energies of the Sacred Feminine & Masculine, and many others.

Everything I have studied, I have taken the time to experiment with and experience in my own body so that I could share the transmission with others as effectively as possible.

On one of my group pilgrimages to Israel in 2018, I received a huge awakening and experienced a tremendous shift in the form of a series of DNA activations which led to an amazing and palpable upgrade in my DNA.

For the following year I had many kinds of extraordinary experiences. For approximately 3 months I felt fire coursing throughout my body day and night. Then for the following two months I experienced crystalline energy coming through my system and felt a constant state of bliss . Then for several months an electrical current of energy was coming through my system. My body was literally impacting and shutting down the electrical system in my home during this time.

I felt multidimensional aspects of my being opening up and this manifested as a felt-sense of direct connection to Source, which was such a blessing.

After these experiences, I learned a profound technique of AuraClearing and DNA activations through powerful codes embedded through sound frequencies and divine commands.

Since that time, I have integrated the power of sound, colors and light as a key component in what I am here to share with others during these transformational times.

My work has always been focused on finding the inner potential and the unique light in every human being and helping them to bring that forward with the most effective practices available.

I would be honored to connect with you and discuss how these healing tools can serve you in embodying all that you came here to be, and bringing your deepest visions into form.

If you’d like to fill out an application form to explore the possibility of working together, please click the below button to get started.

In love and service,
