Are you ready to uplevel in all areas of your life?

Deep Dive Program

Crystalline Program

Individual Healing Sessions

The Mission on Earth is to achieve the collective awakening of reality which leads to peace, harmony and happiness. As humanity rises in frequency the whole universal creation rises as well.

As above, so below.

The power of unconditional omniscient love is the field that will ascend our global collective, the earth and the higher realms. It is a gift to give yourself the experience of fullness, wholeness and embodying the totality of who you are.

Our work together means you:

Want to cultivate deepened self-awareness to understand your unique path more clearly

Know that it’s your time to step into your greatest potential & are looking for effective tools, practices & support to get there

Are ready to work on an energetic & DNA level to clear out what’s no longer serving you

Want to commit to doing the deep inner work to create a more thriving and inspired life

Are ready to heal your past, so you can finally create your brightest future

Desire an ally & guide to walk beside you so that you no longer sabotage yourself from embodying all that you came here to be

Are looking for a safe space to release self-limiting blocks and patterns

Are ready to show up for fully yourself & do simple yet life-changing daily practices that will powerfully raise your vibration

Are interested in learning the inner alignment & grounding tools I teach, to help you feel deeply connected to the Earth & to Source

Desire to empower yourself to your highest capacity so that you can show up more fully for your loved ones & your contribution in the world

I offer packages focused on DNA Activation as well as various individual healing sessions.

The packages I offer are a collection of modalities which together I call Golden DNA Activation. Your DNA contains the original blueprint of the Divine Plan for your life’s path.

Golden DNA activation is the process of clearing discordant thoughts from the past, auric attachments, karmic imprints and unnatural j-seals that block you from being able to listen to the inner guidance within you. Inner guidance that tells you why you are here and what you came here to do.

Golden DNA activation sessions assist you in the process of your personal ascension, self-mastery and the infusion of your Higher Self into all aspects of your being for fulfilment of your divine purpose in this time of global paradigm shift.

The Golden DNA Activations assist committed individuals who desire to be the “frequency holders” of ascension for all humanity to fulfil their soul contracts.

Deep Dive Program*

1 Numerology Session

1 Aura Clearing Session
1 Karma Clearing Session
1 J-Seals Removal
3 DNA Activation Sessions
2 Personalized Healing Sessions

Investment: €777

*Application Required

Numerology Session
Numerology is offered only in the Deep Dive Program. It initiates a useful bit of groundwork to begin our time together in this most extensive package. Numerology is like an ‘energetic passport’ that helps you understand your unique purpose.
Aura Clearing Session

In these sessions, we focus on clearing the energy field, also known as the auric field. Most people have many unseen blockages that can be identified and removed on all multidimensional levels of awareness during these sessions. Blockages that exists as unfinished business, old and non-serving belief systems, thought-forms, paradigms, contracts, etc of many lifetimes in their soul memory. If we have blockages which occupy space in our bio-energetic field, this affects our ability to effectively utilize the energy that is continually flowing to us from Source. This limits our potential to feel the truth of our unity with all that is and to feel deeply supported by life.

The auric attachments often represent our greatest challenges in emotional, mental and spiritual evolution. This is why many people often spend years on
workshops, reading self-help books and yet they keep feeling stuck and repeating similar patterns.

During Auric Clearings we can energetically transmute soul fragmentations both in this life and past lifetimes. By removing significant blockages and unwanted attachments from the ‘subtle bodies’ and unplugging them from the neural networks of the brain at a quantum level, a person’s life starts to change and bloom. When these blockages are removed, we have much more energy and are able to tap into higher dimensions of consciousness that are closest to Source.

Karma Clearing Session

The energetic understanding of karma offers a new perspective on the ancient principle of cause and effect. We incur karma when our free will choices do not align with Divine will.

The foundation of Divine Will always rests on unconditional love, and your unique connection with the Divine Plan can be discovered through communication with your Higher Self. Not only do we have our personal karma from all of our incarnations that are occurring simultaneously, but we inherit the karma of our parents and ancestors through our DNA. There is also the collective karma of nations and the karma we inherit from the earth.

Karmic imprints are twisted energy patterns in our morphogenetic field that affect our overall frequency, create the shadow self, and affect our DNA. Our vibrational frequency determines the people, places, things and events that are attracted into our lives. Karmic imprints are always about “issues” such as victimization, self-worth, and poverty consciousness. They are also observed in archetypal personas such as the tyrant, the martyr, and the terrorist. While we can clear our karma energetically, this work cannot be completed in one session.

Karma runs deep, but once we do clear these twisted patterns, our lives flow with greater ease where we create a new reality. A different frequency of people, places, things and events will then be magnetized to us

J-Seals Removal

There are 7 unnatural seals, or energetic blocks, located on the left side of the human body. These J-Seal energetic blocks exist in the physical body due to manipulation of Earth’s planetary shields. As our energetic anatomy is intimately connected to earth’s, we inherit these implant seal when we incarnate. They have held back the incoming stellar spirals that are coming to earth in this current cycle.

There are various implants which affect the energetic circulation on the left side of the body, block the heart from opening to the fourth dimension and higher dimensions, block us from receiving the life force energies from Source, and block us from accessing our soul and higher self. These seals manifest as degeneration and many physical, mental and emotional problems.

It is vital to perform this session before any DNA Activations are done, since they block full activation of your DNA beginning in your adolescent years. The proverbial ‘troubled teenage’ period of life is very much related to the normal DNA growth of your unique divine blueprint

DNA Activation Sessions

Most people know that DNA is the ‘blueprint of life’ and is located in every cell of the body. In addition to each chromosome 2 strand double helix of DNA, there are an additional 10 etheric strands of DNA available to each human, which have been dormant since the beginning of recorded history.

Each additional strand possesses attributes that permit the individual to perform greater human accomplishments. Scientists acknowledge that we currently only use 3% of our current 2 strand DNA. Thus, we live in a society where people are sick, unhappy, stressed out, create wars, have difficulty experiencing love, and are totally disconnected with the universe.

DNA Activation is the process of energetically awakening the dormant DNA inside the morphogenetic field, called “junk DNA” by science. Science calls it
junk DNA because they think that it doesn’t do anything. This DNA is there, waiting for the right inter-dimensional frequencies to TURN ON and activate
your Higher-Self. The more DNA strands you can activate, the higher the level you can ascend to, and the more your consciousness expands, thus creating a life you truly desire. Breakthroughs occur throughout our 3 session journey together which will support the activation of your twelve strand DNA.

What are the benefits from DNA activation

• Becoming more aware of your Soul Purpose on Earth

• An increase of energy and rejuvenation of your organs, tissues and muscles.

• An emotional detox of old repressed and unresolved emotions

• A mental detox, as your brain’s neural networks are re-patterned by clearing dysfunctional attitudes, beliefs systems and thought forms.

• The result is greater clarity and the ability to focus on and create the things that matter most to you.
This leads to joy, spiritual upliftment, consciousness expansion, a raising of your frequency, and spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Personalised Healing Sessions
These healing sessions support deep integration of the transformational work completed through the Deep Dive Program.

Crystalline Program*

1 Aura Clearing Session

1 Karma Clearing Session

1 J-Seals Removal

3 DNA Activation Sessions

Investment: €555

*Application Required

Aura Clearing Session

In these sessions, we focus on clearing the energy field, also known as the auric field. Most people have many unseen blockages that can be identified and removed on all multidimensional levels of awareness during these sessions. Blockages that exist as unfinished business, old and non-serving belief systems, thought-forms, paradigms, contracts, etc of many lifetimes in their soul memory.

If we have blockages which occupy space in our bio-energetic field, this affects our ability to effectively utilize the energy that is continually flowing to us from Source. This limits our potential to feel the truth of our unity with all that is and to feel deeply supported by life.

The auric attachments often represent our greatest challenges in emotional, mental and spiritual evolution. This is why many people often spend years on workshops, reading self-help books and yet they keep feeling stuck and repeating similar patterns.

During Auric Clearings we can energetically transmute soul fragmentations both in this life and past lifetimes.

By removing significant blockages and unwanted attachments from the ‘subtle bodies’ and unplugging them from the neural networks of the brain at a quantum level, a person’s life starts to change and bloom.

When these blockages are removed, we have much more energy and are able to tap into higher dimensions of consciousness that are closest to Source.

Karma Clearing Session

The energetic understanding of karma offers a new perspective on the ancient principle of cause and effect. We incur karma when our free will choices do not align with Divine will.

The foundation of Divine Will always rests on unconditional love, and your unique connection with the Divine Plan can be discovered through communication with your Higher Self. Not only do we have our personal karma from all of our incarnations that are occurring simultaneously, but we inherit the karma of our parents and ancestors through our DNA. There is also the collective karma of nations and the karma we inherit from the earth.

Karmic imprints are twisted energy patterns in our morphogenetic field that affect our overall frequency, create the shadow self, and affect our DNA. Our vibrational frequency determines the people, places, things and events that are attracted into our lives. Karmic imprints are always about “issues” such as victimization, self-worth, and poverty consciousness. They are also observed in archetypal personas such as the tyrant, the martyr, and the terrorist. While we can clear our karma energetically, this work cannot be completed in one session.

Karma runs deep, but once we do clear these twisted patterns, our lives flow with greater ease where we create a new reality. A different frequency of people, places, things and events will then be magnetized to us

J-Seals Removal

There are 7 unnatural seals, or energetic blocks, located on the left side of the human body. These J-Seal energetic blocks exist in the physical body due to manipulation of Earth’s planetary shields. As our energetic anatomy is intimately connected to earth’s, we inherit these implant seal when we incarnate. They have held back the incoming stellar spirals that are coming to earth in this current cycle.

There are various implants which affect the energetic circulation on the left side of the body, block the heart from opening to the fourth dimension and higher dimensions, block us from receiving the life force energies from Source, and block us from accessing our soul and higher self. These seals manifest as degeneration and many physical, mental and emotional problems.

It is vital to perform this session before any DNA Activations are done, since they block full activation of your DNA beginning in your adolescent years. The proverbial ‘troubled teenage’ period of life is very much related to the normal DNA growth of your unique divine blueprint

DNA Activation Sessions

Most people know that DNA is the ‘blueprint of life’ and is located in every cell of the body. In addition to each chromosome 2 strand double helix of DNA, there are an additional 10 etheric strands of DNA available to each human, which have been dormant since the beginning of recorded history.

Each additional strand possesses attributes that permit the individual to perform greater human accomplishments. Scientists acknowledge that we currently only use 3% of our current 2 strand DNA. Thus, we live in a society where people are sick, unhappy, stressed out, create wars, have difficulty experiencing love, and are totally disconnected with the universe.

DNA Activation is the process of energetically awakening the dormant DNA inside the morphogenetic field, called “junk DNA” by science. Science calls it
junk DNA because they think that it doesn’t do anything. This DNA is there, waiting for the right inter-dimensional frequencies to TURN ON and activate
your Higher-Self. The more DNA strands you can activate, the higher the level you can ascend to, and the more your consciousness expands, thus creating a life you truly desire. Breakthroughs occur throughout our 3 session journey together which will support the activation of your twelve strand DNA.

What are the benefits from DNA activation

• Becoming more aware of your Soul Purpose on Earth

• An increase of energy and rejuvenation of your organs, tissues and muscles.

• An emotional detox of old repressed and unresolved emotions

• A mental detox, as your brain’s neural networks are re-patterned by clearing dysfunctional attitudes, beliefs systems and thought forms.

• The result is greater clarity and the ability to focus on and create the things that matter most to you.
This leads to joy, spiritual upliftment, consciousness expansion, a raising of your frequency, and spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Individual Healing Sessions

Investment (Per Session): €111

Aura Clearing

Neo-Shamanic Healing

Dancing With the Light

Aura Clearing Session

In these sessions, we focus on clearing the energy field, also known as the auric field. Most people have many unseen blockages that can be identified and removed on all multidimensional levels of awareness during these sessions.

Blockages that exists as unfinished business, old and non-serving belief systems, thought-forms, paradigms, contracts, etc of many lifetimes in their soul memory.

If we have blockages which occupy space in our bio-energetic field, this affects our ability to effectively utilize the energy that is continually flowing to us from Source. This limits our potential to feel the truth of our unity with all that is and to feel deeply supported by life.

The auric attachments often represent our greatest challenges in emotional, mental and spiritual evolution. This is why many people often spend years on
workshops, reading self-help books and yet they keep feeling stuck and repeating similar patterns.

During Auric Clearings we can energetically transmute soul fragmentations both in this life and past lifetimes.

By removing significant blockages and unwanted attachments from the ‘subtle bodies’ and unplugging them from the neural networks of the brain at a quantum level, a person’s life starts to change and bloom.

When these blockages are removed, we have much more energy and are able to tap into higher dimensions of consciousness that are closest to Source.

Neo-Shamanic Healing

Neo-Shamanic Healing is a Healing Technique which helps you to clear out mucus and miasmas from the energy field and chakras.The Physical aspect of this work includes restructuring of the chakras, clearing organs and different layers of the Human energy field. Energy field clearing includes the etheric, emotional and mental bodies.


This work supports individuals in:

• Clearing the organs and the emotional energy centers of the body
• Stress removal
• Coronavirus clearing
• Covid vaccine clearing

This results in:

• Helping you to raise your frequency and your energetic vibration which will help you to manifest and create your reality.
• Creating massive shifts in your physical reality
• Clearing out stagnant energy from your body which will give you more clarity, strengthened immune system and better health
• Supporting you in tapping into the Quantum field
• Changing the sphere of conditioning (childhood trauma etc)
• Clearing out shadow patterns and imprints

Dancing With the Light

Dancing with the light is an advanced Healing tool that facilitates restoration and healing not only on the physical body but all multi-dimensional aspects of Self.

This work is assisted by a team of advanced beings of Light who have specializations in restoring the human body and the entire Multidimensional field into harmony, balance and wholeness.